Database of the Digital Devil

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Date: 12/31/2023 - The Digital Devil

Happy New Year! Again! Despite the look around the front page, I've been working behind the scenes to straighten a TON of stuff I've been doing wrong. Suffice to say, we're looking miles better than at the beginning of the year. Stream is setup, game has seen improvements, and feeling much more at home with all I need to do. Happy New Year, and keep you and yours safe!

Date: 1/8/2023 - The Digital Devil

Happy New Year and welcome to the new drive! Been cobbling together a working camera that moves with the player and scales properly along with a debug mode display! Find it here (Dev Log). This week we powering through to get the hitboxes finally generating, then into interactions!

So I'll try and keep a more regular update schedule (Mon Wed Fri) and hopefully get the stream spun up.

Date: 12/18/2022 - The Digital Devil

Still hard at work on the background stuffs. Working on the game demo around the end of the year was a goofy choice but it's the best time due to having more days off work. Hitbox generation is the next task while I create sprites of my own. Rider DIEvider updates most likely will be starting in Feburary as I get more an idea how the art direction there is gonna look; at least the script is looking solid.

Well, here's to continuing the Long Road!

Date: 12/7/2022 - The Digital Devil

Well good news! Finally got all my webm creation tools understood at setup. Go check out the basic one I created on the Dev Log page. Nothing too ground breaking but progress! Also I created a new image which can be found on the Art Gallery page (Shoutout to Aseprite!)

Onward and Upward!

Date: 11/30/2022 - The Digital Devil

Mostly behind the scenes stuff these past two days, but I'll hopefully be adding my first webm of the game demo by the end of this week! Those will be posted in the Dev Log page. As with all things, the first few ain't gonna be anything too special; pretty much learning all these things at the same time BUT a win is a win!

Date: 11/28/2022 - The Digital Devil

Well I'm slowly adding graphics to the site! Gonna spruce up this 'News Banner' and add a temporary background! Still figuring some things out about how I want this to look... this is fun though! Hopefully by the end of this week I'll move on to more fun!